February 2022 Newsletter

Star Valley Middle School

February 2022 Newsletter

Important Dates & Upcoming Events

2/3 – SVMS Boys Basketball @ Rock Springs 4pm (No parents in building until 4pm) 

2/3 8th Grade Warrior Clan (White Team) ski trip to Beaver Mtn.

2/4 – No School 

2/5 – SVMS Robotics Competition @ 9:30am

2/7 – 8th Grade Warrior Clan (Red Team and 8th Boys Basketball) ski trip to Beaver Mtn.

2/9 – Spelling Bee 9am District Office

2/9 – SVMS Boys Basketball 7th @ Jackson 4pm

2/9 – SVMS Boys Basketball 8th @ SVMS 4pm

2/11 – Valentine’s Dance

2/12 – SVMS Boys Basketball @ Lyman 10am

2/12 – SVMS Boys Basketball @ Mt. View 1pm

2/15 – SVMS Boys Basketball 7th @ SVMS 3:30pm

2/15 – SVMS Boys Basketball 8th @ Green River 3:30pm

2/16 – 7th Warrior Clan ski trip to Pine Creek (Cokeville)

2/17 – SVMS Boys Basketball @ Sugar Salem 3:30pm

2/18 – No School

2/25 – No School

2/25 SVMS Boys Basketball Tournament @ Kemmerer 9am


SVMS Robotics Competition

Saturday, February 5th at Star Valley Middle School

Qualifying rounds beginning at 9:30 am.

Stay Connected with SVMS

Like us on Facebook  – Star Valley Middle School @svmswarriors

Follow us on Instagram – starvalleymiddleschool

Visit our website – svms.lcsd2.org

*Changes to schedules and events at SVMS are posted on these sites regularly

Warrior Clan Ski Trips

Students who qualified for warrior clan during the 2nd Quarter will get to go skiing this month. 

Due to the number of students who are going skiing we will have to take the 8th graders on two different days. 

The 8th White team will be going on Thursday, Feb. 3rd

The 8th Red Team will be going on Monday, Feb. 7th. (All 8th grade basketball boys will go this day)

7th grade qualifiers will go to Pine Creek Ski Area on February 16th. 

SVMS does not accept flowers, candy or gifts of any kind on Valentines Day for students.

Please save your celebrations for after school or have them delivered at home. Thank you

Boys Basketball Schedule

Feb 3 – SVMS @ Rock Springs, 4pm (No parents in building until 4:00pm)

Feb 9 – Jackson 8th @ SVMS, 4pm

Feb 9  – SVMS 7th @ Jackson, 4pm

Feb 12 – SVMS @ Lyman, 10am

Feb 12 – SVMS @ Mt. View, 1pm

Feb 15 – Green River 7th @ SVMS, 3:30pm

Feb 15 – SVMS 8th @ Green River, 3:30pm

Feb 17 –  SVMS @ Sugar Salem 3:30pm (A Only)

Feb 25 – North Conference @ Kemmerer, 9am

Coaches: Garret Lym – Ballard Johnson – Casey Erickson

February is Heart Health Awareness Month!

  • February is American Heart Month, the perfect time to learn about your risk for heart disease and the steps you need to take now to help your heart.

To help prevent heart disease, you can:

  1. Eat healthy.
  2. Get active.
  3. Stay at a healthy weight.
  4. Stay away from secondhand smoke.
  5. Control your cholesterol and blood pressure.
  6. Manage stress.
  • National Wear Red Day®, celebrated each year on the first Friday in February, to bring greater attention to heart disease as a leading cause of death for Americans.
  • Heart diseases include: Blood vessel disease, such as coronary artery disease. Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) Heart defects you’re born with (congenital heart defects)
  • In the U.S., the average age for a first heart attack in men is 65. That’s why coronary artery disease is labeled a disease of senior citizens. But as many as 4% to 10% of all heart attacks occur before age 45, and most of these strike men.

How can you Be Heart Healthy During February?

  1. Be active with family/friends.
  2. Snack wisely.
  3. Watch your portion sizes.
  4. Practice mindful eating.
  5. Get plenty of sleep.
  6. Control your stress levels.
  7. Balance meals with protein.
  8. Focus on fiber.
  9. Cut back on taste testing.
  10. Bring a healthy dish to share.
  11. Limit your dessert intake.
  12. Limit liquid calories.
  13. Use a smaller plate.
  14. Modify your recipes.
  15. Weigh yourself regularly.
  16. Use the buddy system.
  17. Avoid processed foods.
  18. Plan ahead.
  19. Skip seconds.
  20. Set limits and stick with it

Heart Healthy Foods!

  1. Salmon
  2. Nuts
  3. Berries
  4. Flaxseed
  5. Oatmeal
  6. Beans
  7. Tofu
  8. Carrots
  9. Sweet Potatoes
  10. Red Bell Peppers
  11. Spinach
  12. Citrus Fruits
  13. Asparagus
  14. Tomatoes
  15. Dark Chocolate
  16. Broccoli
  17. Chickpeas
  18. Avocados
  19. Red Grapes
  20. Olive Oil
  21. Pomegranate


Yearbook – Yearbook – Yearbook!!

Yearbook Pictures

Parents if you have pictures of your children hunting or fishing, doing extra activities, dancing at dance recitals, or anything extra they do, please send them to


CLASSY – a continued focus at SVMS

Count Your Blessings – Look for the Good – Acts of Kindness – Self-Motivation – Service – You are Valued

A = Acts of Kindness  — a little kindness, can make a big difference. Taking time to be kind, not only benefits the recipient but also makes the giver feel good. Here are a few suggestions for some simple acts of kindness:

  1. Smile
  2. Hold the door open
  3. Give an honest compliment
  4. Thank someone who you appreciate
  5. Be a good listener
  6. Offer your help to someone
  7. Ask the person who’s serving you how their day is going
  8. Treat someone with a plate of cookies
  9. Let someone go past you when waiting in line
  10. Send someone flowers or candy
~~Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give~~
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