SVMS Sports Parent Meeting Information

SVMS Parent Meeting



  1. Introduction of Coaches:
  2. Locker room behavior—expectation is

  a.Quickly change and get out–Be respectful of others property.

  b.Be respectful of others privacy–Absolutely no initiation/hazing/bullying.

  c.Please talk to your son/daughter about proper behavior in a locker room/bus.

  1. Activity Bus Times: See attached flier.
  2. Cannot leave son/daughter alone at bus stops.
  3. Hazing/Bullying--please talk to your son/daughter.
  4. Activity participation form: drug testing policy,health code, academics (cannot have     a F for2 weeks in the same class), inappropriate electronic materials (Wyoming Statute 6-4-303,6-4-305),  some parents have not checked the form in IC—all students involved in an activity have to check that form in IC.

7.Your son/daughter’s enjoyment of the sport largely depends on you as a parent!

  a.What conversations will you have with your son/daughter after an event/practice?

  b.You will not agree with all the decisions a coach/ref makes—

  c.Please be respectful of the sport–kids suffer when adults misbehave.

  d.If you have concerns, please speak with a coach at the proper time—during the   game or night after is not the proper time—Please call to make an appointment.

  1. Website,Newsletter under family and student link,Facebook—please check often.
  2. Insurance forms–check with Wyndy McGinley if you have insurance concerns.
  3. District drug testing policy includes 7th and 8th grade—the main reason is prevention, and we have had kids using here at the middle school.
  4. Gear: Some gear will be coming home frequently, please, clean it (soap and water).

12.Travel:Traveling to and from games with your child–please use the form.

  1. Payment of fees–you can pay this online until the end of September.–Infinite Campus–fees on left.  There is a change this year $20/sports–they can pay tonight
  2. Students in multiple sports--please reach out with your questions to the coach/sport you missed

We are encouraging all those who ride school buses to prepare personally to stay warm in winter weather conditions in the event a bus becomes

inoperable or immovable until help can arrive. Preparations should include winter coats, gloves, hats, and footwear. Please be assured that we do

everything in our power to predict, prevent and prepare for problems and to keep students safe.