January 2025 Newsletter

Star Valley Middle School

January 2025 Newsletter

Important Dates & Upcoming Events

1/2 – School Resumes 

1/6 – Girls Wrestling 1st Practice

1/9 – Girls Wrestling Parent Meeting @ SVMS 5:30pm

1/10 – End of 1st Semester

1/17 – No School

1/17 – Boys Basketball (A only) @ SVMS 2pm

1/18 – Girls Wrestling @ Lyman 11am

1/21 – Boys Basketball (B only) @ SVMS 4pm

1/24 – Winter Special Olympics

1/24 – Girls Wrestling @ Kemmerer 4pm

1/25 – Robotics Competition @ SVMS 10am

1/25 – Boys Basketball @ Rock Springs 10am

1/28 – Boys Basktball (B only) @ SVMS 4pm

1/30 – 7th Boys Basketball @ SVMS 4pm

1/30 – 8th Boys Basketball @ Pinedale 4pm

1/31 – No School

1/31 – Boys Basktball @ SVMS 10am

1/31 – Girls Wrestling @ Big Piney 4pm

Stay Connected with SVMS

Like us on Facebook  – Star Valley Middle School @svmswarriors

Follow us on Instagram – starvalleymiddleschool

Visit our website – svms.lcsd2.org

*Changes to schedules and events at SVMS are posted on these sites regularly

The 7th grade is working on completing District Testing. The students have three District Tests to complete: Math, Science and English. The district uses these tests to assess benchmarks and progress for each student in their core classes. We have been proud of our 7th graders and how hard they have been working! Our Angel Tree program went very well in December and we received many wonderful donations. The Bank of Star Valley was so grateful for the extra toys and blankets to distribute to families in need. Thank you for helping make this program a success!


Donut Socials are one form of celebration for academic success at Star Valley Middle School. SVMS believes in promoting student academic success on a regular basis. Forms of celebration include: donut socials, dances and warrior clan activities, just to name a few. As a school, we feel it is important to have at least one of these celebrations monthly. Students are encouraged and required to keep their grades in the C range or higher to be able to participate in these celebrations. On January 13th, a new semester begins. This means a clean start for everyone.

Boys Basketball Schedule

Girls Wrestling

Warrior Clan Ski Trips for 2nd Quarter Qualifiers

SVMS will be rewarding the 2nd Quarter Warrior Clan qualifiers with ski trips in February and March. Eligibility for the ski trips conclude with the first semester on January 10th. 7th grade qualifiers will go to Pine Creek Ski Area on February 12th.  8th Red team  qualifiers will go to Beaver on February 19th.  8th White team qualifiers will go to Beaver on March 4th.

Dear Star Valley Middle School Families,

Winter has arrived, bringing with it the opportunity for our students to enjoy the crisp air and the beauty of the season during outdoor activities. Whenever the weather permits, we encourage our students to head outside and embrace this time of year. Outdoor play and physical activity are essential for staying healthy, focused, and energized.

To make these outdoor experiences as enjoyable and safe as possible, we ask for your support in ensuring that students come to school dressed for the winter weather. Being properly prepared allows students to fully enjoy their time outside without discomfort.

While we prioritize outdoor activities, we understand that not every student may feel ready to participate each day. For those who may not be feeling well or are unprepared for the weather, we provide indoor options during RIF and other outdoor periods. These options allow students to stay engaged while ensuring their needs are met.

Thank you for partnering with us to encourage our students to get outside, stay active, and thrive this winter!

Warm regards,

Steve Burch

Principal, Star Valley Middle School

Are you trying to decide if your student can come back to school after an illness? Or if your student needs to stay home from school due to illness? Don’t forget that we have Illness Guidelines on the LCSD2 website under the “Student Services” section. If you have questions or would like to speak to the school nurse, you can email  gro.2dscl@niagar.nire or call the middle school at 307-885-5208 and ask for the nurse.

Relevant highlights: 

“Stay home until vomiting has stopped for 24 hours or with a clearance note from the medical provider.”

“Person may return when fever-free for 24 hours WITHOUT the use of fever reducing medication (Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Cold Medications, etc)  or with a clearance note from a medical provider. “

Yearbook – Yearbook – Yearbook!!!

If you have any questions, please call the office at 307-885-5208

Don’t forget to send fall/winter pictures you would like to see in the yearbook  to: gro.2dscl@koobraeysmvs

Robotics Competition at Star Valley Middle School


January 25th @ 10am.

We are needing volunteers to help host a local tournament.  Message Coach Winder at joshua.winder@lcsd2.org if you are interested in helping.


Come watch and enjoy robots created and operated by students in a competitive environment.

CLASSY – a continued focus at SVMS


Count Your Blessings – Look for the Good – Acts of Kindness – Self-Motivation – Service – You are Valued


L = Look for the Good  — Each day students are asked to “Look for the Good” around them and record it in their CLASSY journal. Martin Walsh said, “When you look for the good in others, you discover the best in yourself.”

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