August 2024 Newsletter

Star Valley Middle School

August 2024 Newsletter

Important Dates & Upcoming Events

8/13– Concussion Screenings 8am – 12pm

8/14 – Concussion Screenings 12pm – 4pm 

8/21 – Back to School Night 4-6pm

8/22 – Concussion Screenings 8am – 12pm

8/26 – First Day of School

8/26 – Volleyball Tryouts

8/26 – First Practice for Football/Cross Country

8/30 – No School

9/2 – No School

9/4 – Picture Day

Stay Connected with SVMS

Like us on Facebook  – Star Valley Middle School @svmswarriors

Follow us on Instagram – starvalleymiddleschool

Visit our website –

*Changes to schedules and events at SVMS are posted on these sites regularly

School Supply Lists/Dress Code

SVMS Picture Day

September 4th - prepay at

Welcome Message by Mr. Burch

Greetings SVMS Families,

We are excited to get started with another great school year. Whether your child is new to SVMS or coming back for their second year, we want to ensure that they have a positive experience here at Star Valley Middle School. There are a few important steps that you and your child can take to help ensure a smooth start. First look at our website, here you can see important information like our school dress code and school supply list.

Next, a couple of important dates to remember. Wednesday, August 21st from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm SVMS will be hosting our back-to-school night. We welcome all students to come to the middle school during that time. On that day you can pick up your schedule, get your locker and meet your teachers. The first day of school is Monday, Aug. 26th. This is also the first day of practice for any student that wants to get involved in our fall sports, that includes Cross Country, Football and Volleyball.  Make sure that your student has a physical or they will not be able to try out for volleyball or start practice for football or cross country until one is turned into the office.

One last important step that you should take with your child is to ensure they know the town they live in or near and their physical address. This helps us if they are unsure of what bus to get on to get back home to you. In addition, take a moment to visit here you can click on routes and see what bus your child rides to and from school. It is even a good idea to write your child’s address and routes down somewhere where they can access it on that first day.

School is right around the corner; we hope these tips will help your child have an amazing start to the school year.

Best wishes,

Steve Burch, Principal SVMS

Concussion Screening for Fall Sports

Volleyball – Football – Cross Country

Cross country, volleyball, and football will all begin August 26th.   Each athlete will need a physical that was completed after May 1st 2024 in order to practice and/or tryout.  There will also be a $20 activity fee per student to participate in a fall sport.

We will be doing concussion screening for Middle School athletes on Tuesday August 13 from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, and Wednesday August 14 from 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Also, Thursday August 22nd, from 8am – 12pm. We need to test all 7th and 8th graders that plan to participate in a fall sport. If your child has a smart phone we would ask that you have them download the Sway Medical app. If they do not have a device we will provide one for them. This will help us speed up the process. If you choose to not have them download the app that is okay and we respect your decision. We anticipate that this will take each athlete around 30 minutes. Please reach out to me via email if you have any questions, gro.2dscl@hcir.ekaj.
All those wanting to participate in volleyball, cross country, or football will need a physical completed and turned in on or before the first day of practice which is the first day of school.
There will be a $20.00 sports fee for each individual sport played

Back to School Night

Wednesday, August 21st

4pm – 6pm

Yearbook – Yearbook – Yearbook!!

If you would like to purchase a yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year, you can purchase one in the office.

Don’t forget to send summer activity pictures to gro.2dscl@koobraeysmvs


“Be Classy is an anti-bullying and self-esteem building program that uses positive psychology and behavior modification principles to help students feel good on the inside by doing good on the outside.  it has been extremely effective in schools across the United States.

Count Your Blessings

Look for the Good

Acts of Kindness


 Self Motivation

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