The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law in December 2015. Section 1112 (e)(i)(ii), addresses the parent’s right to know. You have the right to request information about the qualifications of your child’s teacher, which includes state license status with approved subject areas, emergency/provisional status, and field of discipline. You also have the right to request information about paraprofessionals if any are providing services to your child, and what their qualifications are.
Mrs.Passey | Secretary | |
Mrs. Neuenschwander | Secretary |
Mrs. Hepworth | Librarian | |
Speech Pathologist | ||
Mrs. Merritt | Licensed Clinical Social Worker | |
Mr. Johnson | School Counselor | |
Mrs. Schuster | Occupational Therapist | |
Mrs. Hunsaker | Compliance Facilitator | |
Mr. Draney | ELL District Facilitator | |
Mr. Henscheid | School Psychologist |
7th Grade English- Jessie Barnes
7th Grade English- Chris Christie
7th Grade Math- Mercy Dickey
7th Grade Math- Makena Johnson
7th Grade Science- Jeff Anderson
7th Grade Science- Angel Bateman
7th Grade Geography- Joe Hale
7th Grade Informational Literacy – Laurie Cunningham
7th Grade Health – Grace Walker
8th Grade English- Stacey Bergeson
8th Grade English- Shain Saberon
8th Grade Math- Shawn Johnson
8th Grade Math- Rachel Taylor
8th Grade Science- Scott Erickson
8th Grade Science- Adam Isaacson
8th Grade U.S. History- Mark Johnson
8th Grade U.S. History- Scott Milne
Special Education- Samantha Petersen
S.E. Paraprofessional- Diane Forsyth
Special Education- Josh Winder
Special Education- Carolyn Gordon
S.E. Paraprofessional- Patti Cazier
Special Education- Garret Lym
S.E. Paraprofessional- Erin Izatt
Special Education- Cynthia Merritt
S.E. Paraprofessional- Heidi Shumway
Special Education – Trish Parkinson
S.E. Paraprofessional – RuthAnn Jensen
Applied Computer Applications- Shirley Johns
Web Design/Robotics- Amy Gaskell
Art- Kayle Dockstader
Home Economics- Lisa Hale
Industrial Arts Shop- Randy Heiner
Physical Education- Casey Erickson
Music- Kari Allred
Music- Lisa Barber
Music- Kurt Sand
Custodian- Mrs. Pead
Custodian- Mrs. Matthews
Custodian- Mr. Hibbert
Head Cook- Mrs. Suter
Cook- Mrs. Merritt